
Monday, February 21, 2011

Stephen's New Job

Today was Stephen's first day of training at his new job. He works at HealthWays (the same place his mom works) and so far he likes it. It will be nice to kind of be working the same hours & to be able to have around the same time off give or take a few hours here & there. We are so excited to plan some fun weekend trips! I was going to take a picture of his first day, but he didnt look to thrilled with  the idea, so i gave in & just decided to write about it.
I woke up with him @ 6:30 on my one day off to sleep in! & I thought I would be able to fall back asleep, but for some odd reason I couldnt & I ended up getting a lot done. Made yummy dinner for when he got home & had the perfect relaxing night.
I am so thankful that Stephen & I both have good jobs. I am thankful that he works so hard for us & for our future. He is still considering going to get his Masters & or Law School, but I think he is going to wait until Summer to Decide what he wants to do. Hopefully he will get a job by then more in his field that he wants. But for now.. HealthWays is good & steady.

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