
Friday, July 8, 2011

happy days

i LOVE our dates. we go almost every week. most of the time we do breakfast, dinner, or just movies at home. stephen and i both had the day off, so we decided to see a movie & go to bbucks :) it was much needed & due to stephen & his grumpiness he wont let me post the funniest video of him, so sorry.. i tried my hardest to get him to say yes, but i'm not willing to massage his feet & tickle his back for a week. my stomach hurts so bad from laughing so hard when watching the video.
good news: i went to the doctor & got on some medicine so my ovarian cysts don't get bad enough to rupture & hopefully go away. it was also good to have a nice, caring doctor. unlike a previous one. getting a sonic dr. pepper with real whole cherries after wasn't too bad either. xo


  1. What was the video.....? or is it inappropriate for me to see?

  2. LOL just a funny video of stephen while we were driving home from greer.
