
Saturday, January 14, 2012

parfait saturday?! yes please.

This past week was so rough. Work is exhausting & I am overwhelmed with the simple duties of keeping the house clean, staying caught up on laundry, cooking, etc.

I left the house yesterday morning at 8 am and didn't come home until 1:00am this morning. Stephen knew I was having a bad week and we fought I think more in one week than we have in a long time. About stupid pointless things that weren't even worth arguing about. I think at one point we were fighting about fighting.

This morning he has been so sweet. We have 3 days off together of bliss and relaxing!! I woke up to Stephen whispering my name in my left ear and giving me kisses, while Baxter was on my right side taking up more than half the bed and of course.. wouldn't budge.

After slowly waking up, and running to the grocery store to get a couple things we had coupons for, we made breakfast & have had such a great productive morning.

As I am sitting on the couch all cozy with my laptop, we are watching a movie and I keep looking at Stephen and thinking of how happy I truly am and how I love the simple days with him by my side. He is my world.
Happy Saturday! Today I am thankful.

FYI: Strawberries are on sale at Bashas' for 97cents! 

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