
Saturday, May 7, 2011


We went to the Cheese Cake Factory the other night to celebrate stephen's moms birthday. The food was amazing & we had lots of fun chatting & laughing.
Before we all met up, Stephen & I decided to walk around the mall & of course we had to stop & look inside the puppy shop they have.
Right away we saw the cutest little beagle. She was adorable & i wanted to steal her so bad! We also saw some huskys who were hysterical running from one side of the window to the other. It was a fun date! If only they would stay puppes forever. . .

 Sean & Pam - it took a while to get this picture due to sean's lack of smiling as soon as I whip out my camera
 We "try" to get good pictures of us, i promise...
 i love her!
 husky pups
She was so soft & wiggly when we held her, she wanted to be let down so she could sniff! Baxter would've gone crazy if he was there.

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