
Monday, March 7, 2011

these past few days...

I was sick & then Stephen got sick, he ended up getting a double ear infection & his asthma got really bad from all the chest congestion. So, I made yummy chicken noodle & dumpling soup... (The rolls are NOT homemade, but still hit the spot).
I found out we have a camera shy dog who wouldnt co-operate for pictures...
I finally found a quote i liked enough to place above our bed & grow to love it more each time i look at it. Right before bed lately i tell stephen, "goodnight my love, good night my everything" & we just start laughing.. the best, i love those moments.

I finally had enough of the messy bench we hide our shoes in by the front door, so i cleaned it out & realized we have way too many shoes in that bench.

It was Kynlee's 2nd birthday & we had fun celebrating it with her even though she got real shy from the attention. I love these pictures though of Bren & Camden, it was so funny watching Camden ignore Bren while he ate his cake.
The cake my mom made for kynlee fit her so well... She was being so shy...
Anden has gotten SO big lately, My lil' buddy is growing up. He & I went on a date this week with Jacob & got Jack in the Box Milkshakes & walked around the store , nothing big, but enough to make his day & mine. The funniest thing, we were in the drive through & the lady in front of us was taking forever. Anden kept saying how she is so fat & how its so rude that she wont just hurry & eat & then come back so she wont waste our time. I love him SO much.

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